Re: Re: Most Beautiful Building in Cork?

Home Forums Ireland Most Beautiful Building in Cork? Re: Re: Most Beautiful Building in Cork?

Graham Hickey wrote:
And perhaps not what you’d exactly describe as beautiful, and one of the oldest ones in the book I know, but Roches is a fine block of a building to quote ctesiphon ]

I was misquoted / you took my comments out of context / what I meant to say was… 😉

I find it hard to pick a favourite building, but the whole harbour area- bonded warehouses, R&H Hall- has a very special character.
Maybe the Court House on Washington Street? One of only two octastyle buildings in the whole of the RoI, a rare example of a building occupying an entire city block, and a glorious interior too.
Or Lapp’s Quay?
Or the group of terraces on the road in from the Fermoy (Dublin) roundabout, each of which has its own bridge over the railway line?

Sometimes it’s a bit like playing favourites with one’s children (I imagine).

EDIT: I forgot Skiddy’s Alms House in Shandon.

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