Re: Re: Government wants to repossess landmark College Green ban

Home Forums Ireland Government wants to repossess landmark College Green bank Re: Re: Government wants to repossess landmark College Green ban


I took a brief tour of the building recently. Bar the house of lords and the banking hall, much of the interior is of a rather poor standard. The back offices are particularly badly designed and of no real value.

So perhaps a new parliament chamber would work with Leinster House functioning as the back office. However, I doubt there’s the money to that.

Alternatively I would like to see if we could arrange something with the British Museum.

The BM is based on the old parliament facade so there’s a great link. Also much of the exhibits in the British museum were acquired while Ireland was a kingdom of the Empire. So arguably the Irish people played a large part in creating the BM. So perhaps the old parliament could host exhibits from the BM, as well as touring exhibits such as the recent Terracotta Warriors exhibition. I am sure the BM has a large overflow they would mind lending.

It would also tie in with the 18th century idea and a museum for Dublin city.

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