Reply To: Trinity to strike back at return of the Jedi

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In all this discussion about this, do Trinity have a leg to stand on? It’s not like Lucasfilms make a replica of the original; it’s merely a drawing. Does copyright apply to the mere image of a building rather than the actual blueprints?

If it does also apply to the mere image, then wouldn’t you have to get permission for _every_ building you feature in a film?
Also, who owns the copyright to the image – not necessarily the owner, I would imagine. And since Thomas Burgh is long dead, who gets it? And has the copyright run out by now? (It’s 300 years later, after all).

I have a feeling all this will leave Trinity looking either silly or greedy or both. In my mind, they should:

* issue loads of press releases saying how flattered they are with the “homage”

* behind the scenes, do a deal with Lucafilms to have some kind of exhibition with them with all the ensuring financial benefits and free _positive_ publicity that would bring


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