Reply To: A few queries about the recent docklands developments….

Home Forums Ireland A few queries about the recent docklands developments…. Reply To: A few queries about the recent docklands developments….


Yes, Dublin should be the source of pride for every person in this country, as our capital city and should also as our ‘representative’, internationally. But, I always wonder why there is such a panic about ‘having the tallest building’. Greg F., you ask the question..”Dublin should have the tallest building, Why not?” But you fail to say Why? In addition, I believe that the reason that people outside Dublin who criticise the ‘bias’ that Dublin is shown in terms of investment etc. are not merely jealous or typically anti- Dublin. Dublin is a primate city, the most extreme case in Europe. Primacy is a problem, which can be disastrous. The overdevelopment of Dublin, outwards, in a continious low-density suburb is a negative for national development and for Dublin, and is one of the least- planned capital cities in Europe, Athens aside. The French realised that primacy would stifle national development, as did Denmark…and resultingly introduced balanced regional development strategies. Great ‘second’ cities in Europe like Barcelona, and Lyon didn’t sit passively by, as Madrid and Paris dominated national development. Limerick, Cork shouldn’t either. For Dublin to say no to investment and development from time to time will not only be beneficial to the ‘provincial’ cities, it will benefit Dublin too. Greg F. the population of Ireland is presently approx. 3.8 million, Dublin does not have 1.9 million yet, even if you include satellite towns in Kildare, Meath, Wicklow, Louth. p.s. as a ‘provincial, I am (and want to be) proud of Dublin, but I also want to hold the same pride in relation to our other cities. Apologies for the scattered reply.

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