1968 – Urban Motorway Proposal, Cork

Architect: Patrick F. McCarthy, B.K.S Consultative Technical Services



In July, 1963, City Corporation advertised for a traffic consultant to survey and present plans for parking, road improvements and traffic control measures to solve the chronic traffic congestion in the city. They appointed Patrick F. McCarthy, of B.K.S Consultative Technical Services, from Dublin. In early 1968, he suggested this plan with large areas being cleared. It also envisaged new bridges and overpasses, widened arterial and city centre routes – very similar to the later 1973 Central Dublin Traffic Plan. The planned completion date was 1986. There was fairly strong opposition to the plan from the public, but was strongly backed by the city councillors, but ultimately it was killed off by the 1970’s Irish economy and its enormous cost.

“Every decision to clear an area or demolish any part of the inner city needs the most critical assessment to ensure nothing is lost of significance…. Once cleared, there is no time for second thoughts and Cork is particularly vulnerable. It is a city with a certain fragile dignity that should be respected and fought for, by all who value its heritage. In a hierarchy of cities, Cork is special.” Peter Dovell, Professor of Urban Design at Manchester University, 1971

Published April 17, 2024 | Last Updated April 23, 2024