1968 – Michael Scott design for Wood Quay, Dublin

Architect: Michael Scott & Partners



Runner up in the 1968 developer-led competition to design and construct a new headquarters for Dublin Corporation. In conjunction with G&T Crampton, it was a 22-storey tower reminiscent of the United Nations in New York, with a separate council chamber, all on a massive podium. According to Frank McDonald in “The Destruction of Dublin”, it may have won the competition “but for fears among the assessors that it would dominate Christchurch and create a dangerous precedent for the low-rise character of central Dublin.”

“In our design we wish to preserve the important views from the river towards the cathedral. This ruled out a design with a high river frontage and led us towards isolated buildings. We also felt that the open space be treated as a civic plaza and we defined this space by juxtaposing with the cathedral an efficient tall office building and a low council chamber – the siting of which expresses the monumental quality appropriate to civic offices.” Michael Scott, RTE ‘Wednesday Report’, 29 October 1969.

Published May 17, 2024 | Last Updated May 23, 2024