1876 – No.80 St. Patrick’s Street, Cork

Architect: Arthur & Henry H. Hill


Destroyed in the burning of Patrick Street during the War of Independence. Replaced by the Pavilion Cinema building of 1921. Harrington’s was a wholesale druggist.

“We are enabled this week to give an illustration of a front recently erected for Messrs. Harrington & Sons, Patrick Street, Cork. For the lower storey local carboniferous limestone has been employed as high as the piers, with Portland stone for the caps and all other carved and moulded work. The rest of the front is built of red brick with bands of both limestone and Portland, and a few courses of yellow brick under the parapet. The foliage carving, executed by Mr. McLeod, under the architects’ directions, represents amongst other medicinal plants, castor oil and mustard, together with heads of Esculapius and his daughter. The builder was Mr. Barry McMullen, the architects Messrs. Henry Hill and Arthur Hill, M.R.I.A. Our plate is taken from a drawing of the latter gentleman’s, which was exhibited at the Royal Academy this year.” The Architect, September 16 1876

Published June 6, 2024 | Last Updated June 10, 2024