1868 – Unbuilt Design for St. Senanus Church, Foynes, Co. Limerick

Architect: J.J. McCarthy


Although a church was constructed, started to a design to McCarthy, it was much simplified and finished in 1932 by Ralph Henry Byrne.

“The Church of St. Senanus, of which we give a view, is situated close to the railway Station, on the south bank of the river Shannon, at Foynes, county Limerick. It serves as a supplemental church for the parish of Shanagolden, and also accommodates the sailors of the ship-of-war stationed at Foynes. Its erection is mainly due to the liberality and zeal of Mr. Stephen E. de Vere, the present higb-sheriff of the county Limerick. The nave, south aisle, and north porch are already built, and are provisionally used for divine service till the entire design can be completed. The church is from the design of Mr. J.J. McCarthy, R.H.A., architect. Messrs. Ryan & Son, of Limerick, are the contractors. The walls are built of local limestone, of a dark colour, with dressings of white limestone, from the quarries near the city of Limerick. The shafts of the pillars, between the nave and aisle, are of red Cork marble, with Portland stone moulded bases, carved capitals, and moulded arches. The roofs are of open timber-work, stained and varnished, and are covered with Killaloe and Bangor slates, in alternate bands. The cross shown on the distant cliff is the memorial of the late Hon. Stephen Spring Rice, erected by the tenants of the Mount Trenchard and Foynes estates.” The Builder, January 28 1871.

Published February 29, 2024 | Last Updated April 23, 2024