1890 – Lough Rynn Castle, Mohill, Co. Leitrim

Architect: Sir Thomas Drew



Based around a house of 1823 for Robert Bermingham Clements, Viscount Clements, designed by William Murray. Between 1885 and 1890, Sir Thomas Drew added Tudor Gothic additions at south and east ends of house of local stone with Portland stone dressings.

A full description of the additions of 1890 follows: “The important additions that, for some time past, have been in course of construction at the south and east ends of above manor house—a residence which stands so picturesquely upon the undulating shores of the lough, in the midst of the Clements estate—are now fast drawing to a finish.

The new portions are all of a fine grey stone, quarried near Dromod, and group admirably with the rest of the building, and above which they rise with quaintly-gabled walls and well carried up chimneys, the style of architecture being a freely-rendered Tudor Gothic, which lends itself very happily in the designing of baronial buildings. The high-pitched roofs are covered with slates, and the stone work is admirably masoned and carved. Within, the new rooms are thoughtfully planned and arranged, and are fitted up entirely with English oak, that originally, it is stated, came from her Majesty’s dockyard at Devonport. As most of our readers are aware, Colonel Clements’ architect, under whom the whole of these most extensive works have been carried out, is Mr. Thomas Drew, R.H.A.

The oak fittings in the downstair rooms are all the work of Mr. Harry Hems, of Exeter, and for the last six months members of his staff have been engaged in fixing the finished work permanently in situ. Entering the front door, the visitor at once reaches the vestibule. Here the beauty of the oak work becomes at once apparent, as also the panelling and carving. The stained glass in the windows is quite in character with the surroundings, and the travelled mind thinks of old Haddon Hall in Derbyshire, and other such ideal residences of former generations, and feels that quite the old spirit of mediaeval times pervades the new part of the building. The hall is presently reached from the vestibule, where solid oak floors and quaint seats in the same material makes one almost long to linger on the threshold. A doorway on the right side of the hall leads to compartments that connect the new extensions with the older portions of the house, whilst the passage in front leads direct to the boudoir. At the end of this wainscoted passage are a pair of superb horns, dug up on the estate, and once worn by some colossal Irish elk. The boudoir, with its octagonal window and richly-carved oak mantelpiece and overmantel, is a lovely little room, and the view obtained from its curved windows of the adjacent lake and of the druidical stone crowned hill to the left, as well as of a most extensive panorama of country, makes this one of the pleasantest looks-out in the mansion.

The boudoir opens into the main saloon, whilst another door from the latter also leads to the hall. This saloon is one of the finest rooms in the country, measuring as it does 50 ft. by 31 ft. and being exceedingly lofty. Its floor is of oak, and the walls around are wainscoted and panelled to a height of something over 12 ft. The shutters too, in this room as in the others, are of massive oak. The windows are stone mullioned and of plate glass in their lower parts, whilst above is stained glass, treated with great taste. The fireplace is recessed in an elaborately carved ingle-nook, and has carved oak settles at each side. The ceiling has massive oak beams, between which the roof is panelled in ornamental plaster-work. Mr. Hems’ reputation for good work is fully sustained in the fittings at Lough Rynn Castle.” The Irish Builder, February 15 1890

Published February 23, 2023