1892 – Houses, Sandymount Avenue, Dublin

Architect: Albert E. Murray


A terrace of 10 gabled, half-timbered houses, designed for contractor Samuel Worthington.

“The terrace of houses which we illustrate in present issue is being erected for Mr. Samuel Worthington, from designs by Mr. Albert Edward Murray, F.R.I.B.A. As will be seen from our sketch, the architect has ventured to depart from the ordinary run of terrace houses in our vicinity, and, we believe, with great success. The terrace, which is to com- prise ten houses, will, when completed, pre- sent quite a picturesque appearance. Each house will contain two sitting-rooms, five bed-rooms ; kitchen, pantries, and bath-room. All modern requirements, including electric bells, will be provided.”

Published March 1, 2016 | Last Updated May 24, 2024