1898 – Proposed Fountain, Queens Park, Burnley, Lancashire

Architect: J.W. Boyd


The Park is Grade 2 listed by English Heritage, and the fountain still exists today. “In the competition held recently, this design was placed first in order of merit. It was a condition in the contest that the cost should not be more than £.500, and a tender has been accepted slightly within that sum. The erection has been designed in as monumental a character as seemed necessary for a memorial of this description. It is being executed in polished stone of a light cream colour, the only alteration being in the columns, which will be red Peterhead granite, instead of marble, as shown on the drawing. This material does not stand the weather in the district. Mr. E. H. Pickles, borough surveyor, Burnley, is super- intending the work for the architect, Mr. J.R. Boyd, M.S.A., of Newcastle-on-Tyne.” Published in The Building News, July 1 1898.

Published February 8, 2014