1870 – Design for High Altar, Lispole, Co. Kerry

Architect: John Scannell


Designed by Cork-based sculptor John Scannell. Published in The Irish Builder, October 1 1870. “Cork marbles and Caen stone are the materials employed, which produce an excellent effect. The sculpture is executed in a masterly style, and the subjects chosen very appropriate—“The Good Shepherd” being the central figure, the emblems of the Four Evangelists, and the Vine and Wheat, suitably placed. The Reredos shows, in three panels, the “Fall” and the “Redemption;” that on the left representing the Expulsion of our First Parents from the earthly paradise, and in the corresponding bay the Annunciation—the Crucifixion occupying the centre.”

Published October 7, 2014 | Last Updated February 19, 2023