1861 – Villa, Worcester, Massachusetts

Architect: Calvert Vaux


Designed for local merchant, Henry H. Chamberlain. From The Building News, August 2 1861: “THIS building is a good example of the prevailing style of Villa architecture in the Eastern States of America. It is a frame building, with weather boards outside; and lined with brick within, which (from its rendering the walls in a manner double) allows a free passage for the air, thus insuring dryness, and in summer a certain degree of coolness, while it guards against the extreme cold in winter. In a climate where the sun’s rays are powerful, anything which will produce shade is always acceptable, hence the almost universal adoption of the verandah and window shades, which have the effect of subduing through the half-open Venetian blinds, both the light and heat in the apartments. The house is painted a pale cane color, picked out with white, which gives it a light and pleasing effect. The architect is Mr. Calvert Vaux, of New York, an Englishman by birth.”

Published February 1, 2013 | Last Updated February 6, 2013