1856 – Design for Capitals, Museum, Trinity College, Dublin


From The Building News, March 29 1856: “Some mention has been made in our pages recently of the capitals arranged and sculptured by the workmen for the new museum at Trinity College, Dublin. Let us repeat that to one Englishman, Mr. Roe of Lambeth, assisted by the native talent of three brothers, the O’Sheas, of Ballyhooly, county Cork, the whole of these sculptures are owing. ‘The ornature is for the more part wreathed in foliage – the oak, the ivy, acanthus, shamrock, lilies, lotuses, birds, and, in fact, every variety of wreath – and these so diverse, so diffuse, so graceful, that the very diversity established its beauty.'”

Published August 13, 2013 | Last Updated July 6, 2022