1888 – Nurses Home, Peter Street, Dublin

Architect: Albert E. Murray


Former Nurses’ Home for the Adelaide Hospital in Dublin. “Our illustration with this number is of a recent addition to that valuable institution, the Adelaide Hospital, Peter-street. The exterior has been designed to harmonise with the existing building. The ground floor is divided into dispensary and compounding department, with small apartments attached for use in cases requiring special treatment. The compounding department is so arranged that both external patients and those in the hospital can be supplied with medicines without in anyway interfering with the apothecary. The apartments above this comprise the nurses home intended for the accommodation of forty nurses, and approached from hospital from first landing through a porch, designed to prevent the possibility of infection passing into home. Besides the cubicles for nurses, there are lady superintendent’s bed and sitting-rooms, recreation room for the general use of Home; hot and cold water are supplied to each landing. The ventilation throughout has been carefully attended to. The approach is by a central staircase of Portland stone, with lantern light over. The woodwork is of pitch and yellow pine. Every detail have been carried out with great care by the architect, Mr. Albert E. Murray, F.R.I.A.I., whose plans, it will be remembered, were selected in competition. The general building contract was carried out by Mr. J.P. Pile, Great Brunswick-street. Mr. H. McGarvey, Lombard-street executing the heating and sanitary work.” Published in The Irish Builder, February 1 1889.

Published September 11, 2014