1901 – British Schools, Trowbridge, Wiltshire

Architect: Silcock & Reay


“This building, illustrated from the drawing now at file Royal Academy, has been designed to accommodate 420 children, but at present only a portion of the scheme has been carried out — viz., the central hall and four of the classrooms, with the necessary cloak-room accommodation, leaving the babies’ room, teachers’ room, and schoolroom to be erected at a later date. The main feature of the plan is the central hall, which is a well-lit room, 44ft. by 30ft. The building, erected by Messrs. J. Long and Sons, of Bath, has cost £4,000. It is of sand faced bricks, with Bath stone dressings, and the roof is covered with slates. The architects were Messrs. Silcock and Reay, of Bath.”

Published June 24, 2009 | Last Updated June 16, 2014