1883 – Lodge, Mount Park Estate, Harrow on the Hill, London

Architect: Higgs & Rudkin


“In our present number we give a perspective view of a villa now in course of erection of the highest part of the Mount Park Estate, Harrow. The nature of the site suggested placing the principal rooms at the back, where they command extensive views southwards for from fifteen to twenty miles. The walls are built of red brick, relieved by half-timber work, part of which is filled in with concrete and rendered, and part covered with hanging tiles, the roof being covered with Broseley tiles. The house contains, besides the usual offices and cellars, three large reception rooms and a billiard room. There is a spacious and well-lighted hall, with a broad staircase of pitch-pine leading to the upper floors, which contain eight good bedrooms beside bath and dressing rooms. The house will be fitted throughout with electric bells. The work is being carried out under the superintendence of the architects, Messrs Higgs & Rudkin, of 68 Lincoln’s Inn-Fields.” Published in The Builder, July 28th 1883.

Published July 21, 2009 | Last Updated September 11, 2012