1881 – Offices in Sunbridge Road, Bradford, Yorkshire

Architect: Waugh & Isitt


“These buildings, now approaching completion, have been erected next the public stairway connecting Sunbridge-road with Miller-Gate, a position which has been taken advantage of to secure side-lighting, and also to acquire two lower stories between the different levels of the two streets, available for warehousing. The principle facade is to Sunbridge-road, a new thoroughfare, which, in course of time, must become one of the main arteries of the town. The style adopted is a free treatment of the Queen Anne period, a style not hitherto introduced into any of the buildings of the town. The main fronts are built in cleansed ashlar of uniform-colour, from the quarries of the neighbourhood, Messrs. Waugh and Isitt are the architects, and the work has been carried out by local contractors.” Published in The Building News, January 21st 1881.

Published July 13, 2009 | Last Updated February 11, 2014