1880 – Choir School, Kings College, Cambridge

Architect: W.M. Fawcett


“The choir school for King’s College, Cambridge, has been built to accommodate sixteen boys, whom the college has undertaken the entire charge of. The building contains schoolroom, with lavatory, &c., and a house for the master, the dining-room of which is used for the boys as well as the master. Above the schoolroom and dining-room, a long dormitory is arranged, and each bed is screened off by a partition, which forms wash-stand, dressing-table, et., and a cubicle is formed by drawing a curtain to enclose the space. The centre of the room has four long presses for the boys’ clothes. It is built with red brick and tiles, and stands some little way back from West-road, the paddock in front forming the playground. Mr. W.M. Fawcett, M.A., is the architect.” Published in The Building News, July 30 1880.

Published August 12, 2009 | Last Updated November 7, 2023