1879 – Villas, Green Hill, Hampstead, London

Architect: Theodore K. Green


Published in The Building News. January 3rd 1879. “These villas of which an illustration is given in our present issue, are now in course of erection in this favoured suburb. The style popularly known as “Queen Anne” is here treated with considerable modification, the object apparently being to retain the homely picturesque feeling, without sacrifice of light, and with economy of cost in plan and detail. The wills are faced with pressed bricks made in Leicestershire, not perhaps as rich in colour as some would desire, but selected in this instance for their good weather-resisting qualities. The strings and cornices are of moulded bricks from the same district. The roofs are covered with red Broseley tiles. Mr. Theodore K. Green is the architect. “

Published November 22, 2009 | Last Updated December 19, 2013