1878 – St. John’s Church, Egremont, Cumberland

Architect: C.J. Ferguson


Perspective view & ground plan, published in The Building News, August 23rd 1878. “This church, of which we give an exterior view, is about to be erected in an outlying district of the parish of Egremont, in Cumberland. A suitable site has been given by Mr. Henry Jefferson, of Springfield, in a corner of his park which abuts on the main road from Egremont to Whitehaven. The church is intended to be built of the local red stone, and roofed with green Westmoreland slate. It will provide accommodation for 250, and is capable of future extension, and has been designed by Mr. C. J. Ferguson, of Carlisle, architect and diocesan surveyor. ”

Published June 16, 2009 | Last Updated December 19, 2013