1878 – Moorfield Hotel, Brooklands, Manchester, Lancashire

Architect: Smith & Heathcote


Published in The Building News, November 8 1878: “This hotel is now in course of erection a few miles from Manchester, on what is known as the Moorfield Estate. It contains, besides ample bars, a smoke-room 25ft. by IGft., a large billiard-room, with an open-timbered roof, bar parlours, a number of bedrooms, &c. It is being built of brick, with a considerable quantity of London moulded brick and Yorkshire stone. The main staircase will be a principal feature in the building. On another portion of the estate, laid out for building, four houses are being built in a similar style to the hotel. The architect for the hotel and the estate are Messrs. Lockwood, Smith, and Heathcote, of 10, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, London, and 88, Mosley- street, Manchester. “

Published July 13, 2009 | Last Updated December 19, 2013