1874 – St Luke’s Church, Dewsbury, Yorkshire

Architect: Holtom & Connon


From The Building News, November 6 1874: “This church is about to be erected on a hillside, the upper portion of which is bounded by Leeds-road, one of the principal entrances into Dewsbury. It is planned on the most prevalent style of church arrangement, comprising nave, north and south aisles, transepts, and apsidal chancel. The excessive slope of the ground has been utilised by placing the clergy and choir vestries under the north aisle, with a spacious staircase at the north-west angle for use at processional services. Seats will be provided for about 600 persons, nearly all of whom will be placed in the nave and transepts. The church will be erected in delph stone, with dressings from Huddersfield quarries. Comparatively little ornament is to be used externally, more than is necessary to give a substantial appearance to the building ; the principal features being a picturesque bell-turret at the south-west angle, balanced on the opposite corner by an octagonal projection, containing the stairs from the vestries. The architects are Messrs. Holtom and Connon, of Dewsbury. “

Published July 15, 2009 | Last Updated May 16, 2013