1873 – Holy Trinity Templebreedy Church, Crosshaven, Co. Cork

Architect: William Burges


Designed by William Burges after he had won the commission for St Finn Barre’s Cathedral in Cork, this little parish church was never completed. After the main body of the church was complete, it was decided not to built the round tower. The exterior is simple and modest, the interior likewise with a fine vaulted ceiling.

“THROUGH the energy and zeal of the Rev. Mervyn Archdall, whilst Rector of Crosshaven, the church, of which we give a sketch, was erected by Mr. Robert Walker, of Cork, at a cost of about £2,000, from the designs of Mr. Burges, architect, London. On the Rev. Mr. Harman, the successor of Mr. Archdall, devolves now the duty of completing, by the erection of the tower, one of the happiest of architectural compositions it has been our pleasure to describe for a very long time.

The style, as may be observed, is Early Celtic. We use the term advisedly, because the same types pervade both the Gallic and Hibernian: we, therefore, claim it as our own. The building is decidedly “racy of the soil,” and in pleasing harmony with the surrounding scenery.
To erect the round tower, about £800 is required, and it is greatly to be hoped that those who have any love of art in their souls will help on the good work.

Our illustration of this architectural bijou affords an opportunity, of which we gladly avail ourselves, of drawing attention to the most charming of watering places “The Queen of the South.” Nature has with lavish hand bestowed every gift at her disposal on this favoured pet. Beautiful indeed are all its surroundings hill and dale, woodland and lea, flowing river and golden strand. Situated on an isthmus, we have on one hand the deep and dark blue ocean in all its wild and uncontrolled majesty; and on the other, the magnificent and landlocked harbour with its bright and every varying hues, reminding us of some huge dolphin expiring in mighty tazza of emerald and molten gold. An air of calm and peaceful quiet reigns over all; the very elements would appear to visit this spot with some degree of consideration, feeling no doubt ashamed to inflict, with undue severity, their frowns on so fair a belle. To Crosshaven applies with equal truth what the poet has attributed to the famous “Auburn”, where””
“Coming spring its earliest visit paid,
And parting summer’s lingering steps delayed.”

We would strongly recommend anyone seeking rest and quiet, a genial and salubrious climate, and bathing in sea water absolutely free from contamination, to pay Crosshaven a visit during the present season. It is reached from Queenstown by the railway and river steamers, plying regularly every hour at a fare of a few pence; this short trip across the harbour is a luxury in itself. We venture to predict that a visit once paid will be repeated by those who appreciate the beautiful in nature’s handiwork.” Published in the Irish Builder, Vol. XV, 1873.

Published September 23, 2009 | Last Updated January 28, 2023