1886 – House for Sir John Hall, Riseholme, New Zealand
House designed for Prime Minister of New Zealand by England-based architect R.A. “Bungalow” Briggs
House designed for Prime Minister of New Zealand by England-based architect R.A. “Bungalow” Briggs
Perspective View including ground floor plan published in The Building News, September 5th 1886.
Perspective View including plans published in The Builder, July 18th 1892.
Published in The Building News, April 13th 1900.
Published in The Building News, August 31st, 1900.
Perspective View including plans published in The Building News, August 3rd 1906.
Robert Alexander Briggs was born in London and educated at Smallwood, Hampstead and Sherbourne. He was articled to Gilbert R. Redgrave from 1876 until 1879.
Robert Alexander Briggs was born in London and educated at Smallwood, Hampstead and Sherbourne. He was articled to Gilbert R. Redgrave from 1876 until 1879.