1881 – Mission Church, Algernon Rd., Lewisham, London Architect: James Brooks “This church is now in course of erection in the Algernon-road, Lewisham, from the designs of Mr.
1884 – All Saints Boys Orphanage, Lewisham, Kent Architect: E.L. Swatman All Saints Boys’ Orphanage was opened in 1886, and had accommodation for 120 boys. Published in The Building News,
1884 – School Chapel, Lewisham, Kent Architect: James Cubitt Perspective view including ground plans published in The Building News, March 28th 1884.
1885 – Ladywell Public Baths, Lewisham, London Architect: Wilson Son & Aldwinkle When Ladywell Baths first opened, newspapers humourously reported that cleanliness was next to godliness as the baths were so close to the parish church.
1885 – The Black Bull, High Street, Lewisham, London Architect: Horace T. Bonner Perspective view including ground plan, published in The Building News, July 31st 1885. Still a public house today,
1898 – Design for Library, Lewisham, London Architect: Best & Callon Unbuilt design for public library. “This design was placed first in the recent competition by the assessor,
1919 – St. John’s Vicarage, Southend, Lewisham, Kent Architect: Sir Charles A. Nicholson Published in The Building News, November 28 1919: “A double-page illustration, giving the plan,