Re: Re: Thomas Street & James Street, Dublin!

Home Forums Ireland Thomas Street & James Street, Dublin! Re: Re: Thomas Street & James Street, Dublin!


Relevant extracts from planner’s report:

The site has zoning objective Z5 – ‘‘to consolidate and facilitate the development of the
central area, and to identify, reinforce and strengthen and protect its civic design character and dignity’. A betting office is a normally permissible use within this zoning. In relation to
betting offices, Section 17.2.8 of the development plan states that it is an objective of the
planning authority ‘to prevent a concentration of betting offices in the city, thereby ensuring
(that) the number of units in a city street, district or neighbourhood is not disproportionate
to the overall number of community facilities and shop units’. It is stated that the provision
of betting offices will be controlled having regard to:

 The need to safeguard the vitality and viability of shopping areas in the city, and to
maintain a suitable mix of retail uses;
 The number/frequency of such facilities in the area;
 The existing proliferation of retail service units in the area (including internet cafes,
call centres, takeaways, amusement arcades and car rentals);
 The impact on the amenities of the area by reason of noise, hours of operation and

In the current development plan (2011-2017) Thomas Street and Meath Street are listed as
market streets/radial routes (Section 8.5). It is development plan policy to prepare
enhancement strategies for these streets and to set out a series of mechanisms to underpin
their regeneration. Both Thomas Street and Meath Street comprise a variety of retail and
retail service units. Thomas Street contains some comparison shopping together with
convenience and retail service uses. There are two public houses in close proximity to the
site, while other uses in the vicinity include a carpet shop and bakery/cafe. The shopfronts
vary in quality, while some of the units appeared vacant on inspection. Meath Street would
be considered to fulfil the function of a local shopping and retail service area for residents of
the inner city, and includes a church, social services centre and creche, with retail units
including butchers, secondhand shops and clothing/shoe shops. The street is relatively
vibrant but has a number of vacant units. On inspection one betting office was noted further
south of the site along Meath Street. This is a sizeable unit at ground floor level of a modern
apartment building. Further south, there is a recent grant of permission (under Reg. Ref.
2679/11) for change of use of the ground floor level from retail use to a Chinese restaurant.


There is concern regarding the proposed use on the site. There does not appear to be an
excessive concentration of betting offices in the vicinity; however, when taken in
conjunction with adjacent public houses and other non-retail uses the proposal could
contribute to a proliferation of non-retail uses along the important radial market street of
Thomas Street and the adjoining Meath Street. In this regard it is noted that the proposed use would consist of a relocation of the existing Ladbrokes unit further along Thomas Street.

Relevant extract ends.

Hmmm – there doesn’t seem to be a conclusion drawn on the above.

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