Re: Re: The destruction of St. Stephen’s Green

Home Forums Ireland The destruction of St. Stephen’s Green Re: Re: The destruction of St. Stephen’s Green


The reference is the 1930’s dust bowl and the lack of land use.

Land use is a product of economic demand and follows economic activity it is never something that can be assumed to alter organically. It never moves at a constant rate and is likely to see its most static period or highest rate of disintensification in 50 years over the next 10.

A fair assumption would be 20,000 housing units nationally per annum over the next decade of which 10,000 p.a. will be one off houses, 5,000 will be in Connaught / Munster / outer Leinster leaving 5,000 units pa in Leinster. If output falls to 5,000 units in the entire GDA what share will be built in a strip 2 miles wide and 10 miles long; what propospective homeowner will want a sustainable box when you can snap up a spacious pile for a fraction of the cost of 2006 prices?

We are in a different era now and all projects must be reassessed

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