Re: Re: RTPI coming to a bus stop near you

Home Forums Ireland RTPI coming to a bus stop near you Re: Re: RTPI coming to a bus stop near you


In London when real time displays were added they used the excuse to erect very many more bus shelters where previously much smaller poles existed; ask yourself which creates a much larger scale clutter. What DB have done on this is provide stand alone bus stops that can provide real time information independent of Bus shelters which lets be honest are an antiquated concept.

I would suggest that funding for the renovation of existing bus shelters when next vanadalised should be axed from the budget. Sadly the height of the display information can be directly linked to the collapse in behavioural standards over the past decade; St Pats night in town anyone?

If you want to see a real scandal on bus signage go no further than Waterloo Road Dublin 4 where DCC were obligated to errect large unsightly ‘National Development Plan’ signs at a scale beffitting a motorway sign in return for some minor works that equated to QBC; don’t the NDP and FF logos look suspiciously alike?

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