Re: Re: Rock of Cashel stone conservation restoration

Home Forums Ireland Rock of Cashel stone conservation restoration Re: Re: Rock of Cashel stone conservation restoration


It was an interesting article alright. I just think it’s terrible that we have to rely on a newspaper article for this information. Why aren’t these plans and reports disclosed to the general public online, or at the very least in a dedicated periodical? There are just as many questions about dozens of other heritage sites around the country and little to no information accessible to the general layman (and it is the general laymen who own the sites after all) unless he has the time and is granted the opportunity to interview an expert .

“The OPW is awaiting a report from independent expert John Beecham…” will there be a PDF on the Duchas website? These people are working for us, on our property.

All the problems inside are caused by water getting in. This is understandably a difficult problem in the chapel which, after all, has it’s original 12th century roof.

But is it as difficult as the OPW make it out to be in the article? It could be without sufficient funds. You still have to pay into the Rock of Cashel, on top of your taxes. Why does the OPW feel the need to source such revenue? Is lack of funding creating a situation where there are simply not enough professionals on board with enough resources to implement a speedy solution to the chapel’s problems?

I wouldn’t be surprised, even if nobody in the OPW wants to admit it, for whatever reasons. Obviously heritage is not a priority for this Government.

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