Re: Re: Retention application for unauthorised development at Tailors Hall???

Home Forums Ireland Retention application for unauthorised development at Tailors Hall??? Re: Re: Retention application for unauthorised development at Tailors Hall???


faceless obdurant and unapproachable

As described usually by those who would wish AT to be a part of the golden circle, partial and easy to pull the wool over the eyes-able (gullible, I suppose). Compare the definition of ‘obdurant’ with ‘judicial’. What qualities are you looking for in a watchdog? Trust me all the stragems have been tried in the past….

  • Drop in for a cosy chat to discuss your latest scheme so that you can later say you ‘consulted with An Taisce’.
  • Extract the tiniest positive statement from a damning planning observation and trumpet AT’s “redevelopment in this area is to be welcomed” leaving out the bit about the 25 material breaches of the development plan.
  • Make a donation and hope that your monster scheme gets conveniently ignored (not gonna happen)
  • Do flashy presentations doing the rounds of all sorts of development boards, councillors, community groups, press the flesh, smile and then express outrage when AT comment – “but we consulted extensively”
  • Make headline grabbing statements “economic terrorists!” “Obstructing Job Creation!!”

The hard truth is this. In relation to planning An Taisce doesn’t represent anyone except the Development Plan. That is to say it insists that the legally binding contract that was made between the people and those who administer their local area is upheld by legal process. If that seems faceless, obdurant and unapproachable, well what can I say. Should AT wear nice hats at Oral Hearings to make it seem friendlier?

ABP it lies in bed with

careful now…

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