Re: Re: luas central corridor

Home Forums Ireland Luas Central – Which Route? Re: Re: luas central corridor

J. Seerski

80 – 100 million for just more than one kilometre of light rail…… what a joke. I’ll bet the proposals just mention that they
line will stop beside the other line rather than a straight through link that could carry passengers from Sandyford to Heuston etc.
Given the sorry history of cost over-runs on this project I wouldn’t consider this proposal from that RPA technocracy. Why is an alternative route – via Merrion Square, Matt Talbot bridge not cnsidered?

Either way expect it to be completed at 2020, costing 1,500,000,000 excluding VAT and other costs!

And also, whatever happened the northside line…..? A huge gap in our public transport.

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