Re: Re: “Iconic” building proposal by VHI, Abbey Street

Home Forums Ireland "Iconic" building proposal by VHI, Abbey Street Re: Re: “Iconic” building proposal by VHI, Abbey Street


gunter: never mind the architecture, what about the heritage? You can’t go knocking buildings considered to be mediocre – would the new development be any less mediocre? If you want Dublin to look like Harare, go ahead. Perhaps VHI have outlived their present HQ and should just move somewhere else. Old churches make very good galleries, cafes, restaurants, etc. It’s not great architecture, but it was the Scots (presbyterian) church and is therefore part of the city’s history. Wipe that out and you’ve just got yet another bland office block. The modernista ‘clear it all away and start with a clean slate’ needs to be resisted – I’m surprised at you.

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