Re: Re: has the architecture of northern ireland differed from the republic since partiti

Home Forums Ireland has the architecture of northern ireland differed from the republic since partition? Re: Re: has the architecture of northern ireland differed from the republic since partiti


Ok, you just hurt me there. I never asked anyone to serve anything on a plate or what on earth you are talkin about. You see, it’s not so freakin easy for me to find information myself. I live in Sweden, so I won’t find that many books about irish architecture, in fact, I haven’t found a single one yet. I searched the internet before I even entered this forum, but found nothin.
This isn’t a very long or dead important essay if you’re speakin of grades and things like that, it only had to be a short one, and I could go on about my own thoughts forever, thats not a problem, but I just needed inspiration and FACTS, from people who might know more than me, who might live in Ireland, who might have professional knowledge about architecture in general that I haven’t got myself.

And for God’s sake, I don’t even own a playstation, so take that back, please.

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