Re: Re: Dublin Historic Stone Paving disbelief

Home Forums Ireland Dublin Historic Stone Paving disbelief Re: Re: Dublin Historic Stone Paving disbelief


@Morlan wrote:

A frankly bizarre high concept scheme for this space which really only requires a well executed scheme that shows traditional city paving and setts to its best effect. The scheme which intended to suggest the flow of the River Poddle using limestone with modern granite and finishes completing the scheme to match the nearby Barnados Square. The small amount of Wicklow granite paving that remains is to be preserved in situ like some relic of the rare aul times. The effect, as ever, will be an incoherent mismatch of about 5 or 6 different paving styles and materials when the adjoining sections are considered.

4 pleached limes have been included to hide the bland and dead frontage of the Robocop building. A stone bench completes the picture. The scheme also extends across Dame Street at an angle into Sycamore Street.

All in all a pretty disappointing response for those interested in preserving our traditional granite paving in a meaningful way.

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