Re: Re: Disgustingly ugly ESB cables in urban areas?

Home Forums Ireland Disgustingly ugly ESB cables in urban areas? Re: Re: Disgustingly ugly ESB cables in urban areas?


Thank God somebody else has noticed them! They are very bad in Cork, but I noticed them being very obtrusive in Galway and still many small town centres seem disfigured by them. They’re a real turn-ff (if you’ll pardon the pun!) and they do nothing whatsoever for townscape.
And, while we’re at it, how can you justify ‘restoring’ a building, while leaving wires trailing all over the facade, many of them probably redundant (Dublin is especially bad for this)? The ESB should have a rolling programme for the removal of surface wires in town centres, not to mention the terminally ugly poles supporting them.
If you want to know what historic town centres ‘really’ look like, look at a photograph from c. 1900.

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