Re: Re: college green/ o’connell street plaza and pedestrians

Home Forums Ireland college green/ o’connell street plaza and pedestrians Re: Re: college green/ o’connell street plaza and pedestrians

a boyle

here it is plain and simple.

There is no route in the city that justifies a metro. Even the dart doesnt justify and full metro services, and it is a metro. full stop. we need to do what strasbourg did. effectively close down the entire inner city, and then build 5 trams lines. these can then run faster and up to every 2 minutes because they don’t compete with cars. The green line which is close to capacity only serves 3/4 thousands an hour. in twenty years it will still only serve 15 thousands an hour.

This traffic thing is the ultimate chicken and egg situation. But any rpa metro will be a financial noose. only the dart can come up with the patronage numbers required because it can tap into the national network.

Sick and tired of this metro hogwash. It won’t do the trick. We need to kick people out of their cars and onto buses , bycles, and feet. We need to open schools at 7 in the morning. end of story. the city is thinly spread. If i hear another metro bleater i will shoot him! these tram metros were conceived by politicians. The average speed of the metro in porto is 20km and hour, you cycle faster than that.

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