Re: Re: college green/ o’connell street plaza and pedestrians

Home Forums Ireland college green/ o’connell street plaza and pedestrians Re: Re: college green/ o’connell street plaza and pedestrians


Standards of city centre signage and public realm works are plummeting at the moment, aside from in a few isolated locations such as O’Connell Street. New signs indicating the College Green Bus Gate are a sloppy mess, with poles projecting above and below the signs (see below). And no chance they would try to combine the signs with existing signs in the street in order to avoid more clutter.

Meanwhile the council’s Roads Maintenance dept. are slapping cheap brittle white granite in amongst 150 or 200-year old yellow granite pavements, even though they are legally required to preserve and protect these pavements under Policy H22 of the Dublin City Development Plan 2005-11.

Has anyone read the new Draft Dublin City Development Plan 2011-17?? It’s full of wondrous guff about the city, while the actual place outside is going to hell!

Dublin City Council does not have a coordinated strategy for city-centre public realm works ……. and it’s not for want of being asked to come up with one.

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