Re: Re: college green/ o’connell street plaza and pedestrians

Home Forums Ireland college green/ o’connell street plaza and pedestrians Re: Re: college green/ o’connell street plaza and pedestrians


But where do buses cross the Liffey if not O’Connell St to College Green? Trinity College is a massive impediment to cross-city traffic and there are very few north/south roads crossing the entire city centre. If we want bus routes going right through the city, as opposed to parking up An Lar, then they need to be able to get across the river somewhere. I hate the masses of buses on our narrow roads. I hate how they’ve made crossing College Green easily one of the most dangerous places to be a pedestrian in Dublin. I hate their pollution and noise and size… but they have to go somewhere. The BusGate is asinine and ill-thought through but College Green is the intersection of three main routes through the city centre: North up OCS, South along Nassau St and west along Dame St. It’s the proper heart of the city centre and that’s as true for public transport as it is for romantic architecture buffs.

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