Re: Re: college green/ o’connell street plaza and pedestrians

Home Forums Ireland college green/ o’connell street plaza and pedestrians Re: Re: college green/ o’connell street plaza and pedestrians


@gunter wrote:

It could be worth looking at.

Perhaps it is being looked at; I know some secrets but not many! However, the College seems, by international, even national, standards, very cautious about this sort of thing so I wouldn’t bet on it,

However, who knows how everything will change now we have a new administrative structure, effective basically now the way the college is run has been completely changed, we have a Vice Provost, old title, new job, who is to run all academic aspects of the college, a “Chief Operating Office” to run the administrative aspects, everyone else reports to these two and strategy will be decided by a committee of these two, the three faculty deans and the provost. If only we had a normal amount of funding . . .

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