Re: Re: Carrolls Art Collection

Home Forums Ireland Carrolls Art Collection Re: Re: Carrolls Art Collection


Is it a direct write-off against profits or is it more ‘subtle’ than that? Either way, yes the tax payer is paying for this

Regarding the collection itself, one would wonder if DKIT (now owners of the building) have offered to purchase the tapestry in particular, given its prominence in the building over the years and the contribution it makes to the space; it has become part of the insititution that is the Carroll’s complex.
I was wondering the very point you make ctesiphon about protection being offered to art in certain circumstances; whilst I doubt the more ‘important’ or prominent pieces in the building are protected as part of the structure’s overall PS status, the iconic sculpture to the front probably is.

Saying that, there is no specific mention of it in the RPS.

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