Re: Re: Carberry Family of Castkefreke

Home Forums Ireland Carberry Family of Castkefreke Re: Re: Carberry Family of Castkefreke


@david y wrote:

there would be a lot of work in making anything of the castle, and very deep pockets would be required.

i remember many years ago staying overnight in the car park in our camper, and the kids having a good run around what must be a dangerous site. in the middle of the night my wife woke up to see a mass of lights closing in on us through the trees, and woke me. i armed myself with the handle of an old hammer, all i could find, but the lights passed us by. we realised that the pub in the vilage had just chucked out and the people from the nearby camp site where making their way home. those scary few minutes have stuck in my mind ever since.

does anyone know how the house came t be a wreck?

The house burnt down at the turn of the (20th) century, it was rebuilt using reinforced concrete around the same time. Unfortunately it was later abandoned (1940’s I think) and the contents were stripped and sold off. The story goes that the Lord Carbery of the time shot the eyes out of his father’s portrait, locked the doors and never returned. The Evans-Frekes are currently renovating the castle, deep pockets required indeed.

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