Reply To: Farewell the Ormond Hotel?

Home Forums Ireland Farewell the Ormond Hotel? Reply To: Farewell the Ormond Hotel?

J. Seerski

It is indeed a fitting example of how expendible PVC windows are in this case. They were only installed in 2002 so they were a huge waste of money – pure short-termism (if there is such a word). Can one speculate that if the originals were intact that this may have hampered the planning application to demolish??!

I think this building as in the picture will have a hugely negative visual impact on the quays – As much as I decry the disneyland nonsense at Bachelors walk, it does not interrupt the shabby beauty of the quays, foiled only by the splendid Customs House and Four Courts. If there was a ghastly building at the Ormond at the moment I would not hesitate to replace it. The old Laughter Lounge was hideous, for example. But as the Ormond was unobtrusive it should have been left well alone. With a few repairs the Ormond could yet be a spendid hotel – in demolishing it, it will become another non-descript hotel akin to those dreaded motorway inns…

This has to be the worst planning decision on Dublin in the last ten years.

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