Reply To: college green/ o’connell street plaza and pedestrians

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Originally posted by PVC King
They would have to do something for people like Kefu who live in the town or there would be uproar. The result I think is that many people who need motorised transport would buy houses inside the line to get around any charge that came in. Where years ago people got insurnace back home now, country people would use a buddy’s address to get a free congestion pass if a charge was put in.

Similarly, when I worked in singapore they had a rule that only cars with red number plates could enter the city on mon, wed and fri. White number plates enter tues thurs and sat, with either being allowed in on Sunday. It was an easy way for the traffic wardens to police it without the need for charges. Unfortunately the people just bought another car leading to more congestion. It’s a vicious circle.

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