Reply To: gaiety centre

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Those are very interesting images Graham.

They leave me with three conclusions.

1. There is a serious redevelopment opportunity in the properties in your first image from the stock around onto Mercer St, the site would easily take a four story over basement scheme.

2. The streetscape is intact from the Gaiety up as far as Grafton St given the pleasant mix of buildings. The side wall of the Stephens Green Centre is a drawback, but at least it is uniform in height, Mercer St Hospital and the Gaiety still dominate the eye.

3. The proposal is an attractive montage and form, but it would dominate the street. A daytime image would be most welcome.

It is not the trickiest site to execute setbacks as the main important angle of vision is that from Stephens green of which that majority has been scaled down due to the narrowness of the Street.

It is however a very well trodden route.

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