Reply To: The Greens and O Connell Street

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Hee hee…………good one AndrewP..
If one looks at any of the old B/W photos of O’Connell Street there are hardly any trees to be seen circa at the time of 1916 before and after…..especially when the trams were running, as the branches would have caused interference to the tram lines.
When O’Connell Street was in it’s initial
heydey of Georgian times there were hardly any trees if none either according to old prints, it was just a broad street. The trees in fjp’s photos are quite young, after sapling stage almost…..see the statue of Father Matthew standing among them in fjp’s photos.

The Green Party are looking for popularity……appealing to a public using the lowest common denominator…….’Trees being uprooted that date from ‘1916’….
Well to counteract that one could say and being equally facetious that the trees are ‘London’ planes and were planted by the Brits whilst they still were occupant residents here.
But let’s not go down such a childish route.
Why all this fuss too when we are going have more trees planted….more Planes, Limes and Flowering Crab Apples…sounds a better variety to enhance the street too.

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