Reply To: monument gets the go ahead!

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Please I don’t wish to sound bad but that sounds like the ‘Legion of Mary’ philosophy. I mean this ‘do good’……’the money would have been better spent’ blah, blah, blah stuff is timeworn in this country. Let’s get our capital city in order aswell and spend a few bob on it’s appearance……the city is for all the people and it will be of benefit in the future. There is a part of the Irish psyche which displays an oddity of ‘ah we don’t want that …sure we don’t need that…… and it’s to our detriment. Maybe it’s all those years of repression and deprivation that has detrimentally scarred us as a society.
There will always be charities for the unfortunate of society and as Mr. Christ said himself the poor and unfortunate will always be with us.

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