Re: Re: Planning chairman ‘regrets’ design stance

Home Forums Ireland Planning chairman ‘regrets’ design stance Re: Re: Planning chairman ‘regrets’ design stance


I have a feeling that it would have made little difference if they had taken a stand; firstly they would have judicial reviews every day of the week as design quality is ultimately subjective and with the last Government you had a tent enterprise that would have been very happy to have abolished an Bord throwing the credit to Lowry and Healy Rae as a prize to go to the localists that vote for them. The real problem here is not the planning professionals but the quantum of rezonings and absolute ambiguity in development plans as to what actually constitutes design quality. It is fair to say that any organisation that upholds professionally written observations at a rate exceeding 90% can stand over their impartiality in what were very shark infested times where they were in a goldfish bowl. I hope he has a fruitful future in pastures new..

Ghost Estate Ireland is a reminder that unless you insist on professional architects with the relevant experience designing schemes and set minimum design standards in the development plans then once the music stops it is often financially preferable for the bank to cut their losses long after the developer is wiped out. Shit only sells in a fear driven market…..

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