Re: Re: The destruction of St. Stephen’s Green

Home Forums Ireland The destruction of St. Stephen’s Green Re: Re: The destruction of St. Stephen’s Green


this is what I wanted two sketches…

I don’t have a problem with the metro north route city centre I have a problem with the station location options that I never saw…

Alonso what do you think about interconnector hitting college green/bridge then connolly or
college green pearse… Would the numbers be better? 😉 csgb is going to come in and say you cannot build any where near it (connolly) but i’m sure there is somewhere west or south 😉 they count 5600 on off for docklands. It is really worth connecting docklands? instead of connolly without a hop… they have already built a load of bollocks on top of it:D and it has a luas connection or is the plan to shut connolly down?

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