1684 – St. Bride’s Church, Bride St., Dublin



A former Church of Ireland at the corner of Bride Street and Bride’s Alley (now Bride Road), Dublin. The original St. Bride’s was an ancient Irish church dating from the 1100s, located close to the current site. Rebuilt in 1684 by Nathaniel Foy, rector of St. Bride’s. In 1860, it had extensive alterations under the direction of Welland and Gillespie, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners’ architects, including new windows, sashes, pulpit, reader’s desk, pewing, tiled floors, alts. to belfry, and a new bell. Closed in 1898 and demolished to make way for the social housing constructed by the Iveagh Trust (Blocks E & F), later to be named the Iveagh Trust Buildings, that still stands there today. A large number of parishioners were buried in the churchyard, some of whose remains were transferred to Mount Jerome Cemetery.

“St. Bridget’s or St. Bride’s parish was formed out of those of St. Bride, St. Stephen, and St. Michael de la Pole, and after having belonged to Christ-Church was annexed to St. Patrick’s in 1186. It contains 12,543 inhabitants; the number of houses valued at £5 and upwards is 732, and the total annual value is £23,377.10.

The living is a perpetual curacy, in the patronage of the Dean and Chapter of St. Patrick’s; the minister’s money amounts to £286. 4. 1., and the gross income is £405. 13. 10. The church, a very plain building, situated in the street to which it gives name, was erected in 1684: it was repaired in 1827 at an expense of between £300 and £400, by parish assessment; and the Ecclesiastical Commissioners have since granted £158.5.9. for its further repair. Among the monuments are those of Mr. and Mrs. Pleasants, distinguished for their munificent charitable donations and bequests. The Episcopal chapel of the Molyneux Asylum, in Peter-street, is in this parish. There is a parochial boarding school for boys, a parochial day school, a boarding school for orphans, a day and an infants’ school, and a Sunday school. The school in Stephen-street is supported by the interest of a legacy of £3900 from Ralph Macklin, Esq. Two almshouses for 20 widows and 12 old men are maintained by a bequest of Mr. Pleasants; and several large legacies have been bequeathed to the parish.” From A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland by Samuel Lewis, published 1837

Published May 24, 2024